Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Post the First: Basic Dough

Welcome to the oven.

Every culture has a version of fried bread. Donuts or doughnuts, scones, pancakes, waffles and funnel cakes are classic American standbys. The fringe "fried" breads would include bagels and pretzels. Tortillas count.

Dough. Fat. Heat. Not just a Chinese action star, THIS is the staff of life.

There's a doughy hierarchy. At the top of the heap, a pillar of pastry reaching to God's throne, is the crowning glory of bread--the pizza crust.

More to come.

Much more, given time constraints.

Politics, Religion, Writing, Reading, Movie Reviews, Art, History, Military, Humor. All are toppings for the crust. Sauce. Tomato or Pesto or Alfredo or Garlic? Something for everyone.

Tip the waiter. Thank the baker. Come again.